Welcome to HTTCB.net
- Why does this site exist?
- Primarily for our own amusement. Any amusement experienced by individuals who may visit this site is purely coincidental.
- What kind of content should I expect to see here?
- Be lucky if there is ever any content at all. At the rate we seem to be populating this site with anything whatsoever would lead one to the conclusion that we are, in fact, ignoring it. Hopefully at some point there will be things here that reflect our sense of humor, our interests, and incriminating photos of our friends engaging in behaviors most wouldn’t consider doing in the privacy of their own home.
- Who operates this site?
- We are known as the “Boyz”. We are a collection of some of the top minds in the nation. Members of our organization have been strategically placed in institutions responsible for national energy conserves, worldwide communications, global weather research and observation, etc.
- Should I live a paranoid and fearful existence in that one day the forces for which you are responsible will heed the call of activation and overthrow world government to rule us all?
- Yes. But we are busy people. It might be a while.
- Is there anything I should do to prepare myself for subservience under your hard but fair dictatorship?
- Be sure to always have some good beer in the fridge. Being an all-powerful overlord makes one thirsty. If one of us happens to stop by, you wouldn’t want to disappoint. Offering of Busch Light, Keystone, Natural Light, Old Milwaukee, Coors Light, Hamm’s, and the like will result in immediate execution.
- Is there a way I can become a member of your group?
- No. But if you’re an attractive 20-something female, sending us a tasteful photograph of yourself might sway us to put you in good standing with our organization.
- What does HTTCB stand for?
- That’s a good question. Its origins emanate from a story long passed involving one of our members. It’s a good story, but I’m not going to tell it to you.